Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday and Monday (Can't remember what day of the trip it is anymore)

We had a great day on Sunday.  Started the day by attending an Interdenominational Church here on Boracay.  Jacob, Sophia and Hannah shared their testimonies.  Jackie, Lee and Wynonna sang a song and Mrs. Goetz preached.  While the service was going on some of the students helped out in the Sunday school classes.  At the end of the service Mrs. Goetz asked people to come forward if they wanted to be prayed for.  The Spirit of God was truly present.  Many people came forward for prayer and the students prayed with them, hugged them, cried with them and just simply poured out the love of Jesus on these beautiful people.
In the afternoon the boys had a chance to go sailing while the girls swam and shopped.  In the evening we split up and went to three different feeding sites again.   Our hearts continue to be touched by these people.  Even in the midst of such poverty, the children still smile and thank us for coming.  We all wish that we could do more.  I met a child, around 3 years old with a clubbed foot and both of his hands were deformed.  One hand didn't have any fingers and the other hand had three fingers but two of them had grown together at the tips.  There is such a need for medical help.
In the evening we returned to the Jungle Barn, ate dinner and shared in a devotional.  Another fulfilling day.  No one was sick today, so thank you for all your prayers.

Prayer Requests:  continued good health and safety.  Pray for the people of Boracay:  food, medical help, clean water, education.  Some of the students have been tutoring the students at the Agape School in Geometry.  They have math placement tests coming up so they have been studying very hard.  The extra tutoring couldn't have come at a better time. Pray for these students.

Monday afternoon starts the Senior Trip.  The students will still have the option to participate in the feedings.  About 10 of the students opted out of starting their Senior Trip this afternoon and instead are helping to pour and mix concrete at the Agape school.  These are amazing students!!!!!!!

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