Monday, March 11, 2013

HELLO EVERYONE! Today is the first official day of Senior Trip!
It's been a great Week Without Walls, full of laughs and hard work! It's amazing to see how fast it has come to Senior Trip! Today some of us went to Puka Shell Beach where they have nice waters without the dreadful algae! Some of us went shopping for things to bring back home too! Borocay is pretty nice so far and it is easy to bargain for things here! And they have this really nice ice cream here called Chocolate Twin Popsicle which is quite nice! Tomorrow some of us are going to Scuba Dive so I can't wait to take photos there! - Amy Chan

It's been the best so far. spending time with amazing people, meeting new incredible people,
life is good! :):):) laying in&on the water for hours at a time, that's been my favorite thing to do :D
 hey family! if you happen to see this! i love you!! -Janessa

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