Friday, March 8, 2013


Dear Boracay blog readers,

There are 47 shells, 32 plastic chairs, 15 pairs of flip flops, and 1 trash can in the dining hall. There are also approximately a billion grains of sand so far on the floor. On the buffet table, there are 6 bottles of jam, 56 cards in a deck, and 1 empty Haribo gummy bear bag. Obviously, we are quite bored. And by "we", we mean the ones left behind -- Amy Sung and Jen Wui Quan.

Why were we left behind? Why were we stranded in this shack of boredom? Two words: overprotective mother, a.k.a. Mrs. Goetz. (We love you Mrs. Goetz) Jen Wui currently is suffering from two head-banging sessions yesterday by the river. Amy Sung's nose is like a blocked dam because of a sinus infection of mysterious sources. Oh, and please pray for Janessa, who has been sick with a flu.

While the three girls and Mrs. Goetz are holding down the fort, the rest of  the group is continuing the construction work at the Agape school. It's 10:46 A.M., which means they've been off working for about an hour and a half now. Jen and Amy have been very productive too. They've taken a nap, read some books, rolled around by the beach, (attempted to) build towers out of cards, and blogged for the parents.

Here are some funny quotes from our trip that we've gotten a good ab work-out from:

"Are you lost? Like the hard drive?"
"Did you hear the Jungle Barn is haunted? The ghost took my hard drive."
"What happened to the pizza? It's gone. Like my hard drive."
- Amy Chan

(really calmly) "Sung Woo, open the door. Sung Woo, ooopen the dooor."
- Aaron Vosburg, with his finger stuck in the car door.

"Give some advice for a newly married couple."
-Mr. Kuang, during his devotion

"Simon says, take pictures of the white girl."
-Andrew Nguyen, at the feeding site.

As you can see, both Amy Sung and Jen Wui Quan are fine :) They'll be back at work in the afternoon, when the group will split into three smaller feeding site groups and travel to different locations. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! More updates to come. 
Mucho love,
Jen Wui Quan and Amy Sung

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