Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day Three:

its morning. and its freezing x.x yes, cold, freezing.... hahaha :) we're going to Panay Islands today for a community feeding! it's really awesome, you get to meet new people, and little kids cling on to you and try to say your name... hahahaha :D Chapel will start off the day. Honestly, it's a great trip and there's so much that these little kids will teach you that no one else can. Super blessed here :D - Jackie Leonardo

Woke up kind of sore, but feels good from all the construction we did. Got to try a Choco Bannana Peanut shake which tastes excactly like a reeses cup in liquid version. Having a pretty good time here, and today were traveling to Panay Island where we will help the real natives of Boracay and minister out to them. - Andrew Nguyen

hello outside world! its been a pretty amazing trip so far. Right now everyone is still eating breakfast. The food is really good here. Today on the brekky menu is fried rice, egg, spam, and of course breadrolls and jam. Today we are headed to Panay Island to help out the original native people of Boracay. I'm quite excited, especially for the feedings, where we will get a chance to feed, provide first aid, and interact with many families and children. Please continue to pray for us, for safety and for good health. God bless! - Brooke

Can't believe that it's already day three! Today we are going to a mysterious island where they sacrifice us to their gods. Kidding. We are going to an Island to do more construction and feed the community there. Apart from that, Den Hartog lost my hard drive and memory card. So it looks like this year's Senior Video will just be a bunch of slideshows :( - Amy Chan

Magandang Umaga!!! this place is beyond INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!

i dont even have words to describe the people. they are so open hearted, humble, kind, warm, generous, open, honest. i could go on and on. :') loving the Philippines. <3- Janessa

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