Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 5:

Hello Everyone! Brooke here,

Today I am taking the morning off and staying at the Jungle barn due to an upset stomach. The others have just left for church, and I thought I'd take the time to update you on yesterday's events.
Saturday was AWESOME :) We spent the morning doing construction at Agape school, moving more dirt and rocks off the site. After lunch the boys had some bonding time and went sailing, while the girls went for ice cream and a bit of shopping. We then went to feeding sites where we sang songs, played games, told stories, provided medical care, and served food for the children. The feedings are probably the highlight of the day for most of us. Although construction is fun, it is nice to spend time with the children. The contrast between the wealthy resort side of Boracay and the local side of Boracay is so hard to ignore. The poverty on this island is truly heart-breaking.
After the feedings, we spent some team-time at Jonah's, a famous fruit shake place on the Island, followed by pizza for dinner at the Jungle Barn, on the beach.
Today the rest of the team are currently at church. Mrs. Goetz will be preaching, other students will be helping to lead worship, and a few others will be sharing their testimonies. The rest of the day will be quite breezy as it is Sunday, and we would like to rest up a bit. Our neighbors last night decided to have a karaoke party late into the night, and many of us did not get a lot of sleep. In the afternoon we will be heading out to more feeding sights, which I am pretty excited for.
Today is also Andrew's 18th Birthday, YAY! :)
It is hard to think that we have been here almost a week. Time goes so slow here, Boracay definitely runs on "Island time". The people here are so friendly, and have been nothing but welcoming.
Please continue to pray for us, especially for good health and rest, as some of us have been unwell. Also, pray for strength and unity as we head into the last few days of this trip.
Thanks and God Bless
- Brooke

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