Thursday, March 14, 2013

Last Dinner and Shower !!

This shot was so fun to take :P It took me more than 3 tries to get a perfect shot!
This is sort of weird, but I was thinking about it when i was walking up the stairs to take a shower and when i was walking to dinner. The last supper (sounds so cool!) took place in this fancy restaurant on a hill at the end of the beach :) and we even had a beach devotional where everyone took turns and just told stories and thanked their fellow classmates. Taking this time to reflect on the trip, i must say, i think (i hope) i grew a lot both spiritually and mentally. There's so much that I've learned here. Many things can't be learned in the classroom and although that has become a "cliche" saying, it is definitely, absolutely, 100% true.

This is Gavrielle :) He's 4y-o, Claude's adorable
son !
These are  the shells that Hannah Ditz collected in Puka Beach!
 Experience accounts for most of the decisions we make in life and this trip will definitely affect many decisions i make in the future. Seeing kids with nothing smile as if the world was one giant piece of candy and the Sun was butter, I learn to appreciate that in which our Creator has created. To appreciate the friends I have. In this trip, I've grown closer to many other friends that I haven't spoken much to all year, and I've learned the true meaning of trust and to be confident in myself. So when I looked around my almost sand-free (AmyC is VERY particular about bringing sand in the room...) room, the dustbin that gave me SO MANY scratches on my knees, the noisy air conditioner that is so freezing cold, the cold, wet bathroom floor, the little dots of dirt and spider webs in the corners of the bathroom, and all the other things around this Jungle Barn, they'll contain memories that nothing else can compare to. So, to end this whole post, I give a great big shoutout to my fellow Senior Classmates of 2013, Mr dHT, Ms Foerger, Mr Kuang, and Mama Goetz for this whole amazing trip :)
I believe Melody took this shot :) the little girl is called Nicole,
she ate 2 big bowls of porridge! but only if I fed her. hahaha :) 

 Lots of love, Jackie Leonardo ^^

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