Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day Four:

The Students had an amazing day today.  We started the day by doing the Chapel at the Agape School.
Wynona opened in prayer, Sophia, Jackie, Brooke and Jonathan led the worship music, Jonathan gave the message and Sophia ended with prayer.  The rest of the students interacted with the kids, hugging them, high fiving them, letting them sit on their laps and making them feel very special.

After chapel we took a ferry over to Panay Island to spend the day doing construction, helping out in classrooms and playing basketball with the Ati people.  Here is an excerpt from Dan and Tori Beaver's Blog, written in November of 2011.  How exciting it was for us to be part of blessing these tribal people and to also be a part of the mission that God placed in Dan and Tori's heart in 2011.
"Dear Praying Friends,
The Ati people are a minority tribe living in poverty and isolation on the island of Panay in the Philippines. They have dark skin and curly hair, and they are similar to the Aborigines living in Australia. Rejected by the majority of the population, four Ati clans live on a mountain side with no school, poor nutrition and health care, and little knowledge of Jesus Christ. We were shocked when we found these Ati, who lived so geographically close to us, but were completely isolated from the larger of society. Along with our Filipino co-workers we began to visit three times a week; to feed the Ati mothers and children with nutritious food, establish a relationship with them by telling them about Christ and the hope of Salvation. From these visits a strong desire grew in our hearts to communicate the message of Jesus Christ to the Ati people not only in words but in action, so the Ati would have hope and a better way of life. Now, we have already purchased land where the Ati live. We will soon start constructing the first school building for the Ati children, a powerful symbol of God’s love and hope for their future."

At dinnertime the students went to three different feeding sites.  At each of the feeding sites the students lead singing, play games, tell a Bible story, teach a dance, help with the feedings and then take care of whatever basic medical needs the village may have.  The students are being God's hands and sharing God's heart.

Prayer Requests:  Sunday we will be helping out at one of the local churches.  A few of the students have colds, bruises, sore muscles and one with dysentery.  Continue to pray for health, bonding, friendships, connection and for all us to make a difference in these people's lives.  -Mrs. Tammy Goetz

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