Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday:  Senior Trip Day 2
Some of the students went back to the Agape School to help the students prepare for their national math exams.  This was a huge help to them and to the school.  I have been told that there never seems to be enough help.

Local Crafts at the Market
Another beautiful day in Boracay.  This morning Brooke, Janessa and I went for a walk and ended up teaching several of the local ladies who were selling beaded necklaces, a few new beading techniques so that their products would be more marketable to the tourists.  They were so eager to learn.  When we come back to Boracay again I should bring my beading materials and books.  Tourism is a growing industry on the island.  Anything that we can do to help the local people be self-sustaining will help them long term.  I will be going back again tomorrow to bring them some beading patterns and to see what they made.

At this moment;

  • Some of the students are playing basketball against a local team 
  • Mr. Den Hartog is grading senior papers
  • Some students are on the beach talking
  • I can hear local music being played at the restaurant next store
  • A few students are reading
  • I can smell tonight's dinner being made
  • The sun is starting to set and I'm looking at a gorgeous sunset

Thanks to all the parents and the school for allowing the students to experience Boracay.  The seniors have worked so hard this past year and especially these past few months.  It's nice to see them connecting, making new friends, laughing, and making a difference for the Kingdom.
 -Mrs. Tammy Goetz

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