Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day Two:  
Today is LAUNDRY DAY!  A cute little boy gave me a flower. - Amy Chan
We miss you David! Love you!! - Hannah D. and Amy Sung

I love you MOMMY! I'm having fun. I'm getting a lot of exercise with Jon and eating well.  I got a sunburn on the first day but that's OK. I'm putting on lots of sunscreen now. :) (jacob looks like a lobster, award for best sunburn goes to him hands down ;) -sam)   Miss you a lot.  Dad we need to go running when we get to Corrigedor.  See you guys later. -Jacob

Day 2 at Borocay and to be honest, I am quite enjoying this trip... Had some fun (swimming in the sea until my arms almost gave up, shoveling, lots of food), had some troubles (the bathroom is over-primitive that it sometimes makes me wanna cuss!), and in the end of the day, I am always tired. Don't know why but I feel like I need a wild chase of death along this beautiful beach... -JZ

"your rich in love and your slow to anger, your name is great and your heart is kind
for all your goodness i will keep on singing, 10,000 reasons for my heart to find!"
-10,000 Reasons Matt Redman

having such an incredible time. love this place, love this team, love the sea (:
love you mom, dad and sabrina!!
officially coming back to the Philippines!!! :)

Prayer requests:  health; a few students have colds, Strength;  some of the students came into WwoW pretty tired, Tutoring starts this morning; English and Geometry, Feedings: some communication issues, we don't speak Tagalag and not all of them speak English.  Lastly: pray that the students hearts are affected and broken for God's people and his Kingdom work.  -Mrs. Goetz-

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