Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is this really the end?

Every year at the end of a Week Without Walls trip, I come back home to Singapore with so many amazing memories, gifts, and stories to tell. I also come back every year excited for the next Week Without Walls trip that I would be going on. But as the final Week Without Walls and my Senior Trip comes to an end, I ask myself, is this really the end? Will I ever be able to go on amazing trips like this anymore in my life? What will I be doing this time around next year? Will the people going on Week Without Walls next year be able to live up to the things we did this year?

The sad truth is that we don't know the answers to any of these questions.
However, I am so grateful for the amazing journey ICS has been able to give me. Being somewhat of a social recluse back in Singapore, the opportunities to be able to go overseas and serve always gives me a better perspective of life outside a first world country like Singapore. I learn so much from each trip I go on and it will be hard for me to see everyone going on their Week Without Walls trip without the senior class next year.

I thank the amazing Senior Class for being so close knit. It is true that the Seniors mirror the Seniors they had when they were freshman.

This senior class is like a fruit salad from the Philippines. You have the very big vibrant fruits which represent the life of the parties in the class, and then you have the nestle cream which hold everyone together. You also have the raisins which would be the people who do not stand out as much in the class but make a difference.

Many memories can be taken out of this senior trip such as going snorkeling, banana boating, sunset sailing, and other funny inside jokes. Making fun of people's sun burns and peeling the nasty dead skin off of Jonathan Hane's back haha. Eating local food such as Halo Halo, which by far I think is the goldmine of nasty food. Shave ice that melts with dyed yam haha.

Everyone is leaving Boracay with more than just gifts for people back home. We are all going home with memories from each other. Right now as the Senior Class is writing in each other's farewell notebooks, I can tell you that this isn't the end. Instead, it might be the beginning of a new chapter in everyone's life :)

- Amy Chan

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